
Population health data enables healthcare payers to provide high-quality care

By collecting and analyzing clinical data, payer organizations can better understand patient needs and develop effective treatment plans.

Empowering healthcare payers with value-based models

Healthcare payers play a vital role in the healthcare system by providing financial protection against the cost of medical care.  

Neuron optimizes the cost of medical care by compiling value-based care measurements and detecting chronic and acute conditions that underpin the value-based care models (e.g. diabetes, heart diseases, mental health conditions, substance abuse, etc).

Unifying your care data

A payer's care data ecosystem manages and integrates data from various sources within the healthcare industry. Typically this includes data sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), claims, clinical and research databases. Complex ecosystems can also include data management systems such as data warehouses, data lakes and data marts that store and organize the data.

Unifying your care data means consolidating all of the different data sources you use to manage patient care into a single, integrated system. This can include electronic health records, claims, lab test results, and other types of patient data.

Unifying your care data can have many benefits, including better patient outcomes, improved efficiency and productivity, and more accurate reporting and analytics.

By having a complete and up-to-date view of patient information, you can provide better care coordination, reduce errors and duplications, and make more informed clinical decisions.

Unlocking value-based care everywhere

Neuron is the fastest and most cost efficient tool in the industry for measuring a health plans "value-based" quality scores. Our solution is configurable to be cost-effective in accelerating insights and facilitating an open data sharing model that allow Health Care Organizations to leverage data at no additional cost.

Value-based care is a healthcare model that aims to improve patient outcomes while reducing healthcare costs. It is focused on providing high-quality, efficient care that is tailored to the needs of individual patients.

To successfully unlock value-based care everywhere, healthcare organizations need to invest in technology and data analytics capabilities that enable them to collect, analyze, and share data in real-time. They also need to align financial incentives and create a culture that rewards providers for delivering high-quality, patient-centered care.

Unlocking value-based care everywhere requires a shift in the way healthcare is delivered, with an emphasis on collaboration, communication, and data-driven decision making. It also requires a focus on prevention and population health management, rather than just treating illness and disease.

Transforming healthcare insights to action

Neuron identifies data insights such as inefficiencies or areas for improvement allowing them to be addressed turning insights-into-action. This frees up healthcare professionals to focus on streamlining processes and reduce unnecessary spending.

One crucial step in transforming healthcare insights to action is the analysis of data from various sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), patient feedback, and medical research. This analysis can help identify patterns and trends that can inform decision-making, improve patient outcomes, and reduce costs.

The implementation of technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can help automate and streamline healthcare processes. AI can help identify at-risk patients, optimize treatment plans, and improve care coordination. Additionally, technology can help healthcare providers better engage with patients and provide more personalized care.

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Empowering healthcare payers with value-based models

Healthcare payers play a vital role in the healthcare system by providing financial protection against the cost of medical care.

Neuron optimizes the cost of medical care by compiling value-based care measurements and detecting chronic and acute conditions that underpin the value-based care models(e.g. diabetes, heart diseases, mental health conditions, substance abuse, etc). Neuron uncovers insights on these conditions that can optimize the value based care provided to patients.

Healthcare payers are an important part of the healthcare system, helping to ensure that individuals have access to affordable, high-quality medical care.

Unifying your Care Data

A Payer's care data ecosystem manages and integrates data from various sources within the healthcare industry. Typically this includes data sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), claims, clinical and research databases. Complex ecosystems can also include data management systems such as data warehouses, data lakes and data marts that store and organize the data.


Neuron consolidates data from these distributed systems into one data source that you own and lives in your current care data ecosystem. Neuron provides strong security and privacy measures to ensure that the data is protected and used ethically. We also provide ongoing maintenance and updates to ensure that the data is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant

Unlocking Value-Based Care everywhere

Neuron is the fastest and most cost efficient tool in the industry for measuring a health plans "value-based" quality scores. Our solution is configurable to be cost-effective in accelerating insights and facilitating an open data sharing model that allow Health Care Organizations to leverage data at no additional cost.

Transforming Healthcare "insights-to-action"

Neuron identifies data insights such as inefficiencies or areas for improvement allowing them to be addressed turning insights-into-action. This frees up healthcare professionals to focus on streamlining processes and reduce unnecessary spending.

It is important to turn healthcare insights into actions because this leads to improved patient care and outcomes. By using data and insights to inform decision-making, healthcare professionals can make more informed and effective choices about treatment and care.